Kali Barnes earned a DAISY Award in Feb 2025

Supportive Care Earns Barnes DAISY Award

Thursday, March 20, 2025 | Awards & Recognitions

Kali Barnes, RN, cares for patients at the Bayhealth Kent Campus and has been awarded a DAISY Award for Staff Nurse.

The DAISY Award is a “thank you” to extraordinary nurses. This program recognizes nurses who show compassion and determination through the care they provide. The DAISY Award honors the super-human work that nurses everywhere do for their patients along with their families.

The DAISY Award is given by the DAISY Foundation, which was formed in 2000 by the family of J. Patrick Barnes. The Barnes Family wanted to recognize the nurses who cared for Patrick and all the other “unsung heroes” of the nursing profession.

Barnes was nominated by a patient for the personalized physical and emotional support she provided to her and her family. They were so impressed by her passionate dedication to the patient’s well-being and healing.

“There were consistent positive interactions which occurred because of Kali’s attitude and actions on my behalf,” said the patient. “I had COVID, and because of the care from Kali and the respiratory therapist, Taylor, I did not require any sedation for bouts of anxiety because they were such calming influences and provided reassurance that I could get through my episodes of anxiety.”

The patient added that Barnes is an exceptional caregiver who should be sent to Staples to be reproduced over and over and serve as a model for senior living facilities for the way she cared for her. “Elderly patients should be entitled to, and receive, respect. Kudos to whoever trained her and to Kali herself her for putting all that nursing theory into practical application,” said the patient. Visit Bayhealth.org/DAISY to nominate a deserving nurse today.

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