Guilt-Free Self Care Routine Brings Joy
The idea of self-care is a popular one, but sometimes it can get confusing defining what true self-care looks like. Bayhealth Family Medicine Physician Angela Debo, DO, says a self-care routine is ideal for our physical and mental health. And one of the best things about having a self-care routine is that there are no guidelines to follow – just do something for yourself that brings you joy and eliminates stress.
If the idea of practicing a self-care routine seems daunting, try starting small. Dr. Debo recommends a 30-minute self-care routine each week. “Self-care is not only beneficial for our mental health, but it helps reduce burnout rates not only at work but with life overall, and self-care helps us recharge,” said Dr. Debo. So, the next time you feel anxious or short tempered, try planning self-care time and enjoy.
Here are 10 simple ways to practice self-care according to Dr. Debo:
- Go for a walk outside. If you are at home during the day, take a walk around your neighborhood. And if you work in an office, take your allotted break time, and lace up those tennis shoes. Track your progress on a fitness app to keep you motivated.
- Listen to your favorite podcast. There are plenty of podcasts to choose from – everything from self-help, parenting tips, cooking shows, mysteries, and more.
- Go to your favorite restaurant on your lunch break. A simple change in routine once a week, like taking your lunch break, can have a big impact.
- Find a quiet place to read a book. Maybe it’s a spot in your bedroom or sunroom, or even on a park bench, but finding a relaxing spot is key.
- Meditate or pray. Taking time to center yourself and have a deeper connection will benefit you in various ways.
- Get your favorite coffee and enjoy it by yourself. Go to your favorite coffee shop and sip on your favorite drink.
- Take a relaxing bubble bath. Turn on your favorite music, throw in a bath bomb, and maybe even read a book while you relax.
- Schedule a time to meet up with a friend. Taking time to reconnect with friends who bring positive energy into your life.
- Plan a weekend away with your partner or by yourself. Sometimes you need to get away – even if it’s just for one night.
- Take time to start that new hobby. If you’ve been thinking about starting a particular hobby – do it.
“No matter what you choose to do for your self-care routine, it’s truly all about finding something that brings you joy,” said Dr. Debo. And you must allow yourself the time and not feel guilty about doing something for yourself.
Dr. Debo cares for patients at Bayhealth Family Medicine, Dover. The practice is accepting new patients. Call 302-725-3200 to make an appointment today.