When you make an outright gift to the Bayhealth Foundation, your contribution begins to benefit Bayhealth right away.
You can make an outright gift to the Bayhealth Foundation by donating one of the following assets:
Cash Gifts
Employer Gift Matching
Electronic Funds Transfer
Appreciated Securities
Real Estate
Tangible Personal Property
Intangible Personal Property
Cash gifts may be charged to MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover. You may either complete the transaction online, or download a gift form and return it to the Bayhealth Foundation.
You may also wire gifts to the Bayhealth Foundation. To facilitate the transfer, download a wire transfer form and follow the instructions on the form.
If you are sending a check, please print out a gift form and enclose it with your check made payable to Bayhealth Foundation and mail it to:
Bayhealth Foundation
640 South State Street
Dover, DE 19901-3530
Employer matching gift programs are great ways to increase the overall value and impact of your gift.
Many companies, large and small, will match employees’ contributions to Bayhealth Foundation / Bayhealth — and some even match contributions from their employees’ spouses, retirees or board members.
Simply obtain a matching gift form from your employer, complete it and send it to the Bayhealth Foundation with your contribution.
The Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) program works in cooperation with your bank, similar to automatic teller machines, direct deposit and other electronic banking services accomplished without paper handling.
To get started, you simply need to print and complete an EFT Authorization Form indicating your desire to give a gift by Electronic Funds Transfer.
After you have completed the EFT Authorization Form, please mail it to:
Bayhealth Foundation
640 State State Street
Dover, DE 19901-3530
Transferring securities to Bayhealth Foundation may provide tax advantages. If you have held the securities for more than one year, your gift of securities may result in capital gains and income tax savings.
The donation of real estate — including personal residences, second homes, income property, and vacant or undeveloped land — may result in a two-fold tax benefit. It is also possible to donate a portion of the property (an undivided percentage interest) and keep a portion for yourself.
The donation of tangible personal property — including rare books, works of art, valuable collectibles and other items of value — may result in a gift of extraordinary value to Bayhealth Foundation and tax benefits for you.
The donation of intangible personal property — such as copyrights, patents and mineral rights — can generate income for a Bayhealth program or project of your choice on a continuing basis.
Please remember that possible tax deductions or tax savings from your gift should be determined through discussions with your tax advisor.