Armed with a Second Chance Thanks to Timely Care
What started out as some sweat equity to help a friend resulted in an unexpected visit to Bayhealth Emergency and Trauma Center, Sussex Campus for Kevin Golden. While pushing a trailer back in December, he suffered a bicep tear that ripped down to his forearm. It was a tough injury, even for Golden, a 41-year-old Army veteran who has dealt with plenty. What he experienced was timely care in a safe environment.
Golden is a father of four children, from age 2 to 16, so getting back to daily life was his top priority. He counted on Bayhealth for the care he needed.
“I was very pleased with the timely and professional care all around,” said Golden.
Emergency Room (ER) staff got Golden scheduled quickly with Bayhealth Orthopaedic Surgeon Andrew Park, MD, who specializes in arm and hand conditions. Dr. Park explained that timing is critical when it comes to treating complex injuries like Golden’s.
“Surgically reattaching the tendon to the bone is a delicate procedure but it was the best treatment option for Kevin,” explained Dr. Park. “He’s young and active. Fixing it properly would give him better rotation in his forearm for lifting and other motions, and he’d avoid potential stiffness and cramping of the muscles which can occur in the long-term without surgery.”
A swift treatment and recovery plan has resulted in optimal healing for Golden. He went home the same day he had surgery. Soon after, he started working with Bayhealth’s Certified Hand Therapist Beth Roros, OT, CHT, to restore his arm flexibility and strength. His arm continued to improve each day and he’s been getting back to his normal routine.
“From the ER staff to Dr. Park to the Occupational Therapy/Hand Therapy team, everyone at Bayhealth knew their stuff and provided high-quality, safe care. The nurse who was with me before surgery was so caring and good at her job,” said Golden. “Everyone went out of their way to make sure I was treated promptly. This was really important for my muscle to heal properly, and I couldn’t be happier with the results.”
“I love the new hospital,” Golden added. “Each time I’ve had to visit Bayhealth I’ve had a really good experience.”
If you're looking for an orthopedic specialist to meet your needs, please visit Bayhealth.org/Find-A-Doctor or call 1-866-BAY-DOCS (229-3627).