Getting Kids’ Routine Care Back on Track
For many parents, keeping their kids on track with routine wellness visits and vaccinations isn’t always easy. Throw a pandemic into the mix and it can become even more challenging. But, as Bayhealth Pediatrician Colleen Allorto, DO, explained, childhood vaccines and routine wellness visits are important and with schools now reopened, now is the time to get back on track to protect everyone. Dr. Allorto welcomes you and your family as a new patient – call to make an appointment today at 302-725-3550.
“Childhood vaccines, and vaccines in general, help prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Other benefits of vaccines include protection from serious illnesses and death and a reduction in missed time from school and work,” explained Dr. Allorto.
To help make it as easy as possible for parents, Dr. Allorto shared some suggestions for getting back on track with childhood vaccines and wellness visits.
First, she recommends parents review childhood vaccination schedules and compare them with their child’s immunization records. Generally speaking, after the vaccines they receive at birth, most children are due for routine shots when they’re two, four, six, nine, 12, 15, and 18 months old. And then again when they’re between four and six years old and between 10 and 18 years old.
Based on these childhood vaccination schedules and Dr. Allorto’s experience, the age groups most likely to be behind on their childhood vaccines are 2-year-olds and those ages 10 to 12 years old. If parents don’t already have a schedule with all of the childhood vaccines, the CDC has them available online.
Second, while checking childhood vaccination schedules is a good place to start, calling your child’s doctor’s office is the next step. “That way you can confirm what shots your child needs and it gives you an opportunity to schedule an appointment to receive them. You can also schedule a wellness visit if your child is due for one, no matter if they need to receive shots or not, as they are just as important as vaccines,” said Dr. Allorto.
Given the importance and benefits of childhood vaccines, as well as routine wellness visits, take time to make sure your child is up to date on both. If your child needs a doctor and you would like to make an appointment with Dr. Allorto in her office in Milford, call Bayhealth Pediatrics, Milford at 302-725-3550.